Make Time. Stop Feeling Overwhelmed

I have a 4-month-old baby.

I’ve just moved house and I’ve got boxes everywhere.

I’ve got my wedding coming up in 6 weeks.

It’s safe to say I’m very busy!

Everything feels very overwhelming. It feels like it’s one struggle after another at the moment (probably the lack of sleep has something to do with it too).

But, rather than feeling sorry for myself, I’ve been researching how to stop feeling overwhelmed as a woman and this video was helpful.

I guess the secret is planning.

If you have a clear plan and you know what has to be done, when, you’ve got a much better chance of staying on top of everything and actually carving out some time for yourself.

Or at least, that’s the plan.

I’ll give it a shot and see what happens.

Honestly, organization has never been my strong suit, but at this point, I’ll do anything to beat the overwhelm and anxiousness I feel.

If anyone has any thoughts on what else I should do, let me know in the comments.

Here’s what I’m willing to try:

1. Meditation and mindfulness – trying to stay in the moment and not overthink everything

2. Keeping a positive mental attitude – being positive will help me to see things in a much more ‘glass half full kind of way’.

3. Not trying to do it all myself – it’s okay to ask for help from friends and family!

4. Talk to people – sometimes a problem shared is a problem halved.

5. Plan better! – this links to the video above. I need to work on actually planning my day, not just letting my day plan me.

Bottom line, enjoy the ride, or at least try your best to make the time to enjoy it!

